You should know by now that a lot of men hate women, and this week made that abundantly clear.
Our President attacked Dr. Christine Blasey Ford:

So he thinks Brett did do it, but she's waited this long so go ahead and give Kavanaugh a lifetime position in the United States government.
Tucker Carlson used the "why didn't you go to the cops right away" nonsense, going after the actions of the victim and not the person who did something evil. Making being sexually assaulted as not a traumatic experience, and easy to deal with it. Inform someone.

Mike Davis, chief counsel for nominations for the Senate Judiciary Committee under chair Chuck Grassley:

Aside from trying to force her to testify on Monday and Monday only and that they are pushing back at her, the victim, they really don't care to hear her testimony. Even before their had been any testimonies about the allegations, Orrin Hatch was more than ready to doubt the accuser.
Utah Republican Rep. Orrin Hatch told CNN that Kavanaugh told him "He didn't do that, and he wasn't at the party." "I think she's mistaken," added Hatch. "I think she's... she's mistaken something that I don't know. I mean, I don't know her."

Hey Orrin, people you know are capable of doing awful shit.

Orrin Hatch wasn't even close to being the worst Republican Rep. on the issue of Brett Kavanaugh and his accuser.
South Carolina Republican congressman Ralph Norman had an amazingly-awful joke in many ways.
"Did y'all hear this latest late-breaking news from the Kavanaugh hearings?" said Norman in front of a group of constituents.
"Rather Bader Ginsburg came out that she was groped by Abraham Lincoln," was his punchline.
Insulting a Supreme Court who does not have a record that compared to Kavanaugh's shows how insane it is that he will be in the same judicial position as her, let alone even having a judicial career. Obviously, his failed joke insults those who have been sexually assaulted, and particularly if you are a women who comes forward with her account.
Not only is Kavanaugh accused of sexually assaulting someone, but has received prepping for a possible testimony from Bill Shine, former Fox News executive who may have tried covering up sexual harassment at the news company. Bill Shine prepping Kavanaugh was reported by the Washington Post's Josh Dawsey:

Last but most least of a person that should be in the American psyche, Donald Trump Jr.
He too had a funny joke like congressmen Ralph Norman, that he posted on social media:

If you hate women, and have the inability to have empathy for others, vote for the Republican Party this fall...