"A couple of weeks ago, the IPCC, the international group of scientists monitoring climate change, came out with a very ominous report warning that the world has maybe a decade or two to basically end its reliance on fossil fuels if we’re to have any hope of controlling global warming below the level of utter disaster. And that, incidentally, is a conservative estimate. It’s a consensus view. There are — repeatedly, over the years, it has been shown that the IPCC analyses are much less alarmist than they should be."
That was political-dissident, linguist, and author Noam Chomsky while appearing on Amy Goodman's Democracy Now!
"The opening up of the Amazon to further exploitation will be another serious blow at the prospects of survival of organized human society," Chomsky told Democracy Now!
Others on the other hand, see the world differently. They see the world through a corrupt-insane lens, like Rick Santorum.
While on CNN's, 'State of the Union,' Santorum actually said that climate scientists are "driven by the money," and that Donald Trump was right to bury a climate report that was released the day after Thanksgiving.
John Whitehouse of Media Matters:
It is "completely nuts," which is why Splinter writes that, "Jake Tapper, Dana Bash, and every other host that gives Santorum airtime on their show should be utterly ashamed of themselves."
We should recall that Trump himself, as I mentioned, is a firm believer in global warming," Noam Chomsky told Democracy Now! hosts, Amy Goodman and Nermeen Shaikh.
"Recently, he applied to the government of Ireland for permission to build a huge wall, one of his famous walls, this one to protect a golf course of his in Ireland, which, as his plea indicates, is threatened by sea level rise as a result of global warming."
Rick Santorum is corrupt, and insane. In a just world, he should not be put on the air.
Unfortunately, that is not the world we live in...