"Look, the Broward County Supervisor of Elections Office sucks. It screwed up in 2000, got caught breaking the law by deleting ballots in 2016, and is in full-scale chaos right now. Oft-embattled Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes says she has no idea how many provisional and absentee ballots are left to be counted in her office," writes Jerry Ianneli of the Miami New Times.
"But as it stands, there is zero evidence that the Democratic Party is, in any way, trying to 'steal' this election from Republicans."
Despite providing no proof, Senator Marco Rubio went on a tirade on Twitter to bitch about Democrats. In a tweet, Rubio claimed that "democrat lawyers are descending on #Florida. They have been very clear they aren't here to make sure every vote is counted."
Not only is Rubio not actually providing any evidence of Democrat involvement, Rubio is also leaving out "important details," reports Iannelli.
"For one, Snipes was a Jeb Bush appointee, so she's not exactly an obvious partisan," writes Iannelli.
He continues:
Two: The person in charge of election recounts at the state level is Secretary of State Ken Detzner, whom Scott appointed to the job. Detzner and Scott were repeatedly accused of working together to hatch schemes designed to suppress Democratic votes over the past eight years. It is, frankly, a blatant conflict of interest for Detzner to oversee Scott's recount, but Rubio isn't complaining about that here.
Rubio is not the only one to flip his shit over the idea that if America had a true and honest Democracy, Republicans would fucking lose.
Ronna McDaniel, Chair of the Republican National Committee has gone about being disingenuous, and help make people not trust the democratic process:
Again, one of the people doing the recounting of Scott's votes, has been accused of being to chummy with Scott in the recent past.
The President has gone to Twitter to bitch:
Trump's buddy, and personal lawyer:
Others see through the bullshit, and have noted the real intentions of Republicans.
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough and Chris Hayes:
That's why Rubio and McDaniel aren't telling the full story of voting in Florida. The corruption and incompetence has worked for them in the past. It isn't working for them now, so they are crying.
It's not me being MSNBC biased. Chris Hayes is the only person I watch. What Hayes and Scarborough have said on Twitter, you can find journalist, and author of 'Give Us The Ballot,' Ari Berman:
If you're on the right with this subject. You're either being disingenuous, or you're being stupid? Both are dangerous for democracy.