One would think that it’s insane to tase a child, so it’s just as insane to tase one for shoplifting. But that is what happened in Ohio this last August. Cincinnati police officer Kevin Brown used a taser on an 11-year-old girl, who he suspected of shoplifting. When I was a child shoplifting would get you grounded, and in various other forms of being trouble. But the idea of being tased would have been unfathomable. It almost sounds like something the Saudi Arabian authorities would do to their children for shoplifting. “Since you’re a child, we won’t chop off your hand. We’ll just send a shit ton of electric volts through your tiny-little body.”
People like to say that Americans have gotten lazy, but not like this. Since when did shaming a child by making them apologize to those they stole from, and having them return what they stole not work? Instead, we’re going to fucking tase them?
For most of us, this would be an insane choice of action for a child shoplifting. For Republican Rep. John Becker of Ohio, thinks differently about tasing children. He’s fucking down with tasing the children!
In his newsletter, Becker wrote:
Let’s say I had an 11-year-old daughter who: 1) Was shoplifting 2) Refused to stop when ordered by law enforcement 3) Got tased as a result. My response would be to march the kid back into the store to pay for the pilfered items and apologize to the management. Next, the kid will apologize to the security guard for failing to comply and forcing him to use his taser. And then I’ll deal with the kid after we get home.
Becker wouldn’t like his 11-year-old being tased, but in a really weird way:
“Look Becker, wouldn’t it bother you that your 11-year-old daughter got tased? I certainly would. I’d be ashamed and embarrassed that she did something stupid enough to get herself tased.
(Yes, she ate her dessert before she ate her vegetables).
Every time I hear shouts of, “Justice! We want justice,” I want to shout back, “Parenting! We want parenting!”
It must be great have Becker as a dad. It’s good to know that people from Ohio would vote for a guy who has such sound arguments for defending the idea of tasing a child for refusing to follow orders, because it’s not common for children to refuse following orders.
My parents told me to not drink, smoke weed, or have sex in high school. I violated all three of those rules, therefore, they should’ve been allowed to tase me. If a fucking cop can, why not parents? Where’s the fucking line?
Officer Brown, was off duty at the time, but was working as a security guard at a Kroger market. Brown believed she had shoplifted, and fired his taser 10 feet from the little girl.
Body camera video caught what Brown said to the girl after he tasered her:
Sweetheart, the last thing I want to do is tase you like that. When I say stop, you stop. You know you’re caught, just stop. That hurt my heart to do that to you. Then I got to listen to all these idiots out here in the parking lot, telling me about how I was wrong for tasing you.
Way to prove the narrative right that cops are assholes who just want to bully people with less power than they have.
The last thing you wanted to do? You yelled stop and then tasered her. That means it was the second thing that you did. You tasered her before letting other customers know she had stolen things. You tasered her, before fucking running you slob! Way to call those who would have the audacity to complain about a cop tasing a child “idiots.” No wonder people call cops “pigs.”
“I didn’t want to shoot that black guy, but he didn’t want to be arrested with weed on him, so he tried running. I shot him in the back. Now I have all these idiots telling me what I did was wrong. What do you think I am people? A Cop?”
Tasers can kill people, and this man tasered a child. To have the same line of thinking as Becker, or Brown. Move to a country where sharia law is cool.
John Becker’s horrific thoughts don’t end with being pro-cop tasing children. He’s downright cool with cops killing “punks,” even when someone isn’t actually being a “punk”:
Officer-Involved Shootings I've about had it with all of the finger pointing at law enforcement officers after shooting a punk in self-defense.
(Like when those cops murdered Stefan Clark? Had they not shot him, Clark would’ve shot them with his cell phone).
"He was only armed with a pellet gun." Do you expect a police officer to bet his life on that? Not me. I would have shot him too. Or maybe the punk wasn't armed but the officer mistakenly thought that he was. Well, that's unfortunate but should the cop be charged with a criminal offense when he acted in good faith?
(What high standards he has for cops. I wonder why the black community doesn’t trust cops?)
Justice! We want justice!" Based on the evidence of what I see on television, it often times appears to me that justice was delivered to the dead punk.
(Justice is a criminal being arrested, and not shot dead. Unless, you want to live in a country like the Philippines, where you kill people because you think they’re junkies, or drug dealers).
"Hey Becker, you wouldn't be saying that if it were your kid lying dead in a pool of blood." That might be true, but rather than blaming the cop, I'd be blaming myself and endlessly soul searching to figure out how I failed as a parent and why my kid grew up to be a punk.
(Lucky for Becker, he’s white, so he doesn’t have to worry about that. Even Dylan Roof was arrested).
When Becker uses the word “punk,” he’s referring to those in the black community. I feel safe saying this, because of his reasonings for crime.
The Appeal talked to Becker via email. After telling The Appeal that the girl was tased of resisting arrest, he said, “It could be an indication of a parenting problem.” “If I were to do research, I would expect to find that kids that come from two parent in-tact [sic] supportive families are less likely to get in trouble with the authorities than kids that came from tougher environments.”
The single parent household excuse used by right wingers allows them to avoid the reality of historic racism that the black community has had to deal with in America, since the first time a black person was forced here as a slave. Never can a family have two shitty parents. I have a friend who had one parent, but he has never been in trouble. Meanwhile, I know people who had both parents, and have gone to jail.
Furthermore, when he said “If I were to do research,” is both telling, and troubling. Telling, because he’s just making assumptions. Troubling, because a man who makes public policies, and laws, he’s basing things an assumptions? How about doing your job, and doing fucking research!
The Appeal points out the flaws in his remarks:
According to the Sentencing Project, Black youth are 2.5 times more likely to be arrested for property offenses than white youth. In schools, Black girls are nearly four times more likely to be arrested than white girls, according to a Georgetown Law School study. One reason for the disparity, based on an analysis of Department of Education data, may be because Black children are more likely to encounter school-based police.
Becker made sure to say that he thinks if the girl was white, she would have been tasered too. Not a child of any race or creed, but rather, “let all races and creeds of children be tasered!” Fucking disgusting shit...
Becker’s Democratic challenger, Patricia Lawrence, responded in a statement to Becker’s sharia law newsletter.
“Every American has a right to a fair trial and due process under the law,” said Lawrence. “John Becker’s comments show not only a lack of respect for the U.S. Constitution, but a lack of respect for human life.”
What terrifies me is not John Becker. What terrifies me is the people that exists out there who voted for Sharia Law John.
It should be noted. It's legal to taser children. MAGA mother fuckers!!!!