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Writer's picturewalterskuzeski

Shocking: Trump Promotes Violence

Screenshot: Twitter

There isn't a bar low enough that Donald Trump wouldn't go under.

It's why he's capable of not going to the Arlington cemetery on Veterans Day.

It's why he's able to go to Twitter and threaten to take away federal aide for those who have to go through natural disasters:

Since then, this asshole has tried to act like he's capable of compassion for others.

First of all, the fire was likely caused by electrical utility companies, so fucking nothing about forest management.

Secondly, at least 50 people have died.

November 14, Trump spoke at an event held by the Daily Caller, a site that has white national connections.

During his speech, he threatened those from "Antifa," or anyone who dare protest him:

"These people, like Antifa, they better hope that the opposition to Antifa decides not to mobilize. Because if they do, they're much tougher. Much stronger. Potentially going to be in big trouble."

Great, we have a president promoting violence. MAGA....

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