Paul Manafort and Rick Gates were once business partners, but like businessmen, they’ll do what they do to fuck the other in the ass if it will save their own. The two filed false tax returns, and hid millions overseas. Rick Gates will be the “star witness” against his boss. “Did you commit crimes with Mr. Manafort?” asked the prosecutor. Gates replied, “yes,” and that “at Mr Manafort’s request, we didn’t not disclose foreign bank accounts.” But don’t worry, Manafort and his team aren’t going to stand down to Gates. Manafort’s team said that Manafort was too busy to deal with all the business interactions, and that Rick Gates was the one who did most of it. “Rick Gates had his hand in the cookie jar and he couldn’t take the risk his boss would find out,” was the Manafort team’s opening argument.
Rick Gates listed the names of his an Manafort’s shell companies, and that they were Manafort’s accounts. Rick Gates also told the court that associate Konstantin Kilimnik, accused of having ties with Russian intelligence services, controlled the overseas accounts. Of course, Kilimnik is the only person connected to Russian oligarchs or intelligence, that Paul Manafort has connections to.
Paul Manafort and his wife received a $10 million loan from the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, a man known to have close ties to Vladimir Putin. Aside from the $10 million loan, Derispaska’s financial backing of Manafort goes back to 2005-2006, regarding Manafort’s work in Ukraine.
What’s going on between Paul Manafort and his buddy-now-enemy Rick Gates, isn’t the only thing that’s going down. Some new shit is emerging about NRA-infiltrating, Fire-Crotch, Maria Butina. Svetlana Nikolaeva, runs a gun company that does business with Russian intelligent services and the Russian military. Svetlana’s husband, Konstantin Nikolaev, has allegedly provided money to Maria Butina. What’s amazing about this, is that Svetlana has met with senior members of the NRA. Maria Butina has told senate investigators that she received funding from the Nikolaev’s. The Nikolaev’s holding companies in Cyprus, have received $150 million of loans from the state owned-bank Sberbank.
Like Manafort’s trial with Rick Gates, I’m fascinated to learn the connection-colluding of the NRA with Russian oligarchs. Honestly, with the NRA’s decision to choose guns over lives, that they can come out and support the making of 3-D printing of guns, and that the NRA’s President, Oliver North, once said:
They (gun control activists) call them activists. That’s what they’re calling themselves. They’re not activists-this is civil terrorism.
The NRA can fuck themselves..
From the shit show that is the Manafort trial, to the shit show of illegal foreign agent Maria Butina, her ties to oligarchs, and the connections-future revelations of the NRA’s connections to all this, matched with their financial crisis. I can’t wait to see what happens next…