Scott Greer is a former writer and editor at the Daily Caller, because it turns out that he had written fo the white-supremacist Radix Journal. He went by the name “Michael McGregor” while writing for the online publication that was founded by Richard Spencer.
Apparently by going with his alter ego name he said some racist shit, noted by The Daily Beast:
In a post on protests in Baltimore after Freddie Gray died of a spinal-cord injury while in police custody in 2015, Greer wrote: “Cops are now the preferred scapegoats for the sole reason that they are the symbols of a justice system Blacks hate, a justice system Blacks want undermined for their benefit. However, this justice system has to be harsh on Blacks in order to preserve stability and a measure of safety in a multiracial state. The current campaign against tough policing, if successful, would effectively turn any city with a large percentage of Blacks into a third world hellhole.”
The Daily Beast mention something else Greer wrote in 2015:
Greer complained that white men were being discriminated against in football, writing: “Running backs, wide receivers, and most defensive roles are seemingly reserved for Blacks only. If you’re a White guy at any of those positions, the odds are stacked against you for getting noticed by the big college programs. No matter how talented you are, you aren’t Black.”
In a statement in which he acknowledged his writing, and said his views have changed since he stopped writing for Radix:
In my early twenties when it appeared our only mainstream options were Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton, I was attracted to more radical ideas and expressed them under the name Michael McGregor at Radix Journal.
As one who is still in their twenties, those type of politicians have bothered me as well. I just didn’t choose to go online and make up an insane idea that white people are being oppressed from being able to play football. Conservatives speak of being promoters of competition, yet seem to be bothered by having to live out their philosophical ideas.
The idea that the Daily Caller would have a racist on their team is not very surprising.
The Daily Caller allowed white nationalist Jason Kessler to contribute to the news company, but quietly removed his work from the site after the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville in August of 2017.
They have also allowed Peter Brimelow to contribute to the Daily Caller.
Peter’s thoughts in his own words:
The other aspect of this rapid population growth is that it's very rapidly shifting the racial balance in the country — contrary to [Sen. Ted] Kennedy's assertion. In effect, the 1965 Act choked off immigration from the traditional sources of immigration to the U.S., namely Europe, and it allowed a small number of third world countries to capture the inflow, as I said. And, above all, Mexico. The Mexican government, the Mexican ruling class, appears to have simply made the decision to export its poor to the U.S.
The reason that the Daily Caller is racist, and not the anti-racist site that they think they are. One of its co-founders, Tucker Carlson, is racist. On his Fox News television show Tucker likes to complain about the browning of America, and he tries to hide the racism in coded language. Recently on his show, he decided to discuss internal politics going on in South Africa.
Let’s say it was pretty fucking insane, as noted by Right Wing Watch:
Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson successfully injected a longstanding “white genocide” conspiracy theory about land reform measures in South Africa into President Donald Trump’s mind, rendering his primetime “Tucker Carlson Tonight” show a conduit for racist conspiracy theories advanced by the most radical white supremacists in the world for delivery to the Oval Office. White nationalists, expressing their enthusiasm online, are thrilled.
“White Genocide” conspiracy theories have been popular online, but to see that even on Fox News was pretty insane. Dylann Roof, a white supremacist who murdered nine African Americans, mentioned that South Africa was going through a “white genocide.”
It wasn’t just that a television network anchor promoted something that David Duke supports, but the fact that the president was watching. We know this, because he sent out a tweet, and mentioned Tucker in the tweet.
I have asked Secretary of State @SecPompeo to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers. “South African Government is now seizing land from white farmers.” @TuckerCarlson @FoxNews
“It is extremely disturbing that the President of the United States echoed a longstanding and false white supremacist claim that South Africa’s white farmers are targets of large-scale, racially-motivated killings by South Africa’s black majority,” said the Anti-Defamation League in a statement, expressing concerns that the president of the United States would tweet something so insane.
The Daily Caller let go of someone who really is the Daily Caller, but they have to try and hide it to avoid being another called what it is, Breitbart.