Conservatism is dead. Whether that saddens you, or you could care less, it's the only you could explain a "conservative" President saying that he can rewrite an Amendment in the Constitution with an executive order. Conservatives can try all they want to say that Trump is not a conservative, but it's the conservative movement that has chosen to use Trump as a vehicle to fulfill their agenda. Not to mention, Trump was the father of the "Truther Movement."
Donald Trump, a misogynist and adulterer, was embraced by the Evangelical movement that was mobilized by Ronald Reagan , because Donald Trump would get them the Supreme Court Judges that they needed to get rid of reproductive rights for women (abortion). Not to mention, Trump will allow "Religious Freedom" laws to be passed. Orwellian in nature, for "freedom" means allowing them to act, and in-act laws that allow, them to be bigots.
The Republican Party, though always corrupt, has allowed their morals to be viewed so nakedly as empty. Just as the Democratic Parties morals are worthless, as for decades they stood aside and let the Republican Party decimate the working class, if not joining in themselves. To get right-wing judges, and tax cuts for the wealthiest of Americans, the Republican Party has allowed Donald Trump to turn the party into his party.
Like the Evangelicals, Mitch McConnell is fine with Donald Trump, for Trump has enabled him to put into place Judges all over America, and the Supreme Court. It was McConnell himself that stonewalled President Obama from fulfilling his duties as President, by not allowing him to nominate, and confirm a Judge to the Supreme Court. Conservatives are suppose to care about the Constitution, but they have decided that it doesn't matter.
"One of my proudest moments," McConnell said to a crowd, was "one of my proudest moments was when I told Obama, 'you will not fill this Supreme Court vacancy.'" In other words, one of McConnell's "proudest moments," and what the crowd cheered for was a Senator sabotaging the duties and roles enlisted inside the Constitution.
The Democratic Party has it's own skeletons, and in recent years.
The fear that was created from September 11, 2001, gave the government the ability to enact The Patriot Act. Another use of Orwellian language that really meant; giving up civil liberties in the name of safety.
By the end of President Obama's first term in office, we should've gotten back to our senses, and had what was taken from us by the Patriot Act be restored, but that did not happen. In an act of strategic dishonesty, deception, and anti-democratic values, President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), despite the unpopularity by both supporters, and non-supporters.
When Obama signed the NDAA, the ACLU immediately condemned his decision. The decision was "a blight on his legacy," said ACLU executive director, Anthony D. Romero. Adding, Obama "will forever be known as the President who signed indefinite detention without charge or trail into law."
The ACLU on the other negative aspects of the NDAA (emphasis mine):
The bill also contains provisions making it difficult to transfer suspects out of military detention, which prompted FBI Director Robert Mueller to testify that it could jeopardize criminal investigations. It also restricts the transfers of cleared detainees from the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay to foreign countries for resettlement or repatriation, making it more difficult to close Guantanamo, as President Obama pledged to do in one of his first acts in office.
The pessimist in me asks the question: if one President can enact a law that allows one to be put into prison indefinitely, without due process? Why can't a President change the Constitution via executive order?
We have never had a President so lustful for power, not even Nixon, Obama, or Bush can come close to competing. Nixon and others may have had thoughts or desires for power, but never has a President expressed them so openly.
Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan said the obvious, that a President does not have the authority to rewrite the Constitution, which caused Trump to attack him on Twitter:
Republican strategist, and author of Everything Trump Touches Dies, tweeted:
Conservatism is dead. Whether it was worth anything or not, it is what it is. To support a president like Trump, the only thing one could be "conserving," is a white majority, because upholding the Constitution sure isn't one of them.
As the conservative side of politics evaporates into nothing more than fascism, what awaits on the other side? What does the Democratic Party have to offer? Does the leadership understand that their corruption has allowed cynical business, political, and religious leaders to manipulate people into getting them more power?
The racism was there, it has always been there, and it will always be there. But the abandonment of the white working class by the Democratic Party has allowed Donald Trump to enter the void, and get their support. Just as the abandonment of the working class by the liberal media has allowed Tucker Carlson and Fox News to swoop in with their dark, and disingenuous intentions. Think about it, every night they cry about the left, and diversity, and anything else. Yet, every night they broadcast and live from New York City.
To end it simply; the Republican Party and conservatism is so far gone; Robert Mueller is viewed as the enemy.