The first day of confirmation hearings for Judge Brett Kavanaugh to replace Justice Kennedy is over. I don’t care about Kavanaugh’s opening statements, and I don’t care about anything the Senators said. This whole thing is a shame. Kavanaugh like Justice Scalia, Kennedy, and Gorsuch, represents the corporate coup of our democracy that the political theorist Sheldon Wolin called “inverted totalitarianism.” The government speaks the language of democracy, but it means nothing. When Trump first announced Brett Kavanaugh as his choice to replace Justice Kennedy, some tried to act like this guy was a moderate judge, but Kavanaugh is anything but a moderate judge.
In more than 1,000 of the cases that Kavanaugh participated in and written opinions while on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, Kavanaugh “decided or wrote an opinion against the public interest 87 of the time,” writes Public Citizen. His decisions against the public included, “consumer, environmental and worker rights cases.”
According to Public Citizen, in 18 of 22 cases Kavanaugh would side with corporations over government agencies, or he would side with government agencies over public-interest challengers. His rulings show what he thinks of American Citizens, and represents the corporate oligarchy that is taking the government away from the people.
Kavanaughs' ideology standing next to his rulings means that he will make women and minorities second class citizens. Women understand the threat to the control over their own bodies that Kavanaugh represents. It’s why he’s unpopular with women, and it’s why protests erupted during the first day of his confirmation hearing. As news pundits, and politicians like Susan Colins wants to pretend like Roe v Wade is ok, Lindsay Graham is the only being honest about the situation. If placed on the Supreme Court, women will lose the right to have an abortion, but men will still have the right to abandon the women they knocked up if they choose to do so. As countries like Ireland progress on women’s rights, America wants to regress. Making America Great Again mother fuckers!!!!
It won’t just be women who will become second class citizens. The loss of voting rights for African Americans and minorities, will only accelerate with Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. As a judge of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, Kavanaugh voted to uphold a voter ID law in South Carolina, in 2012. The Republican party has been screwing over minorities rights to vote for some time, so Kavanaugh is the end of the road for a conservative revolution that is hell bent on punishing those they despise, which is everybody but white-Christian males.
The brazenness by the Republican Party to openly despise our democracy is quite amazing for all of the wrong reasons. As people protest the confirmation of Kavanaugh, you’re not seeing much in public support for him by grassroots movements. Outside of the radical-Evangelical’s, Kavanaugh’s support is only by the Republican’s who are stool pigeons for their corporate masters. Furthermore, the release of 42,000 pages of Kavanaugh documents the night before the hearings start is repugnant, and telling of the situation we find ourself in. People spend so much time on Donald Trump that we forget that the Republican party is systematically destroying the foundation of a functional democracy.
Brett Kavanaugh is on the wrong side of history on Presidential and corporate power, abortion, voting rights, the environment, net neutrality, but is definitely your guy if you’re a gun-nut. Which is probably why he refused to shake the hand of the father of one of the Parkland victims. After the first day of confirmation hearings, Fred Guttenberg, father of Jamie Guttenberg, who was murdered in the Parkland massacre-tried introducing himself to Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh stared him down for a few moments, and then walked the other way.
Maybe criticizing Kavanaugh for being blatantly rude to a father of a slain child due to gun violence is a little too much, but for a supposedly “nice guy,” that was pretty fucking douche.