Donald Trump held a rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, to support a fellow fascist who has remained loyal to him from the beginning. During his speech, Trump did his standard form of discussing various subjects incoherently. To his credit, he’s skilled at being able to go from discussing the meeting with Kim Jong-un, to his winning of the presidential election in 2016. Of course, these various topics all have one component that connects them all, and that’s the “fake, fake, disgusting news.”
“Whatever happened to fair press?’” asked Trump. “Whatever happened to honest reporting?” The easy dunk-answer would be to point out that Fox News is the only media outlet willing to be its own version of Sputnik. It could also be the fact that you call them “Fake News”, and “the enemy of the people.” Furthermore, outside of Fox News, Breitbart, and any other supporting outlet of white-supremacism, you’re not going to be treated fairly, and by fairly, I mean write things that you want written like a dictator.
“They can make anything bad. Because they are the fake, fake, disgusting news,” said Trump. I guess a reporter should just sit their quietly, obey master when standing next to the man who has meddled in our and allies elections, and say you believe him over your own intelligence agency. Furthermore, on a personal and human level, mocking reporter Serge Kovaleski, who has arthrogryposis, a reporter would say “fuck this asshole.”
While shitting on the press, he brought up his 2016 victory, “even these people back there, these horrible, horrendous people,” would agree “there has never been anything like what happened in November.” A Republican having to win the only way he can, via electoral college is something that has never happened like anything ever before? It happened in 2000. Sure, that was 16 years ago, and I can’t confirm that conservatives have the mental capacity to process-remember that long into the past, but that’s how George W. Bush was first elected.
His insanity and narcissism, didn’t end there though. He than began quoting himself talking to his wife Melania about his Singapore summit with Kim Jong-un. “I just stopped missiles from being launched every two seconds,” Trump had apparently told his wife. Trump thought that this time the news would speak of him well, but instead, still received negativity. Never mind that his “Rocket Man” tweet is what caused the doubtful situation of missiles being launched every two seconds (That means he’d have to stop watching Fox and Friends, or Hannity). The fact that he’s said he wants to give Kim Jung-un a copy of “Rocket Man” is probably why the North Korean regime has yet to stop it’s nuclear weapons program, and his Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, has even said so, so you can’t blame the news for that one you fuck.