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Writer's picturewalterskuzeski

The Religious Right And The Pro-Life Movement Needs To Be Aborted Part II

"I think welfare has played a huge role... I know that I am speaking just for my own area, but these men are not taking responsibility for their children. They live with their welfare moms get sick of them. They spit them out to some other welfare mom. And these guys don't work! They don't work. They live off the welfare money of these girls. They create babies all over the place. It is sickening! It is absolutely sickening that we are not making these men take responsibility for their babies. And what sickens me is these guys are driving around in these incredible cars, and you know they are dealing drugs!"

That was a pro-life activist quoted in the book 'American Fascists' highlighting the hypocrisy of the pro-life movement. As George Carlin said of the pro-lifers. They care about you when you're a fetus but when you're born, you're on your own.

In part one I talked about Ralph Drollinger's Bible studies for people in congress, and Trump's cabinet about the dangers of "radical environmentalism." One of those people that Drollinger was teaching this to was none other than that rat-faced fuck Scott Pruitt. I know that Pruitt got fired (his replacement is a coal lobbyist), but it wasn't because pro-lifers and the Religious Right wanted Pruitt to be fired.

As wrote a few weeks ago:

"EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt has been embroiled in so many ethical scandals, from the ridiculous-having a government employee drive him from one Ritz-Carlton to another in search of his favorite hand lotion-to the serious swampy-using staff to try to get his wife a job-that even some conservatives are calling him out and demanding that he go. But Pruitt may have a trump card, so to speak, in the support he gets from the president's most important constituency: the Religious Right."

At a Road to Majority conference, held by Ralph Reed and his Faith and Freedom Coalition (Freedom in an Orwellian sense) where Reed said Pruitt was "a dear friend of faith and freedom" saying:

"You know, I know the left and media like to go after this man (with good fucking reason). But the other day at a Cabinet meeting President Trump turned to him and said, 'Scott, I want you to know, we've got your back. And you're doing a great job.' And we've got his back as well."

The Religious Right has the back of a man who wants to allow power plants the ability to avoid cleaning up their coal as deposit sites when they leak and contaminate groundwater. Coal ash can cause cancer (humans), development disorders (children), and reproductive problems (fetuses). This shows just how horse shit the pro-life and Religious Right are about "life."

Scott Pruitt then came to the microphone to discuss his approach to running the EPA, and that America is an example for others:

"Now I believe that to whom much is given, much is required. And I believe this nation has been blessed with enormous natural resources. And we have an obligation to feed the world, and we have an obligation to power the world. And God has given us those resources, and we should do what with them? Use them for the betterment of mankind, and also, do so with stewardship mentality going forward.."

Ignore that Scott Pruitt is a lying piece of shit... Much is given, much is required is really "much was stolen, much was acquired." Thank you Mexicans and Native Americans. Native Americans were blessed with these natural resources too. They just used them in a reality based, sustainable way, learned from their mistakes, and kept uranium, coal and other toxic shit in the ground. We don't have an obligation to feed the world, and how could we feed the world when we can't feed everyone here.

Also, why would we feed the world when we think welfare is bad for people? An obligation to power the world historically is more like "we have an obligation to invade their country and take their resources for ourselves (do some research/thinking if you don't know what the fuck I'm talking about)." Using coal and oil bettered mankind, for a while. In the end it's going to fuck us in the ass.

Stewardship mentality, what the hell is this dude talking about? Buffalo use to live from east to west and north to south, in what is called the United States of America. Today they're in Yellowstone because Theodore found the few remaining there. We've kept them there, but living there was their last resort for survival. Yellowstone floods during the winter so the Buffalo want to go to their actual habitat; Montana. This though of course pisses of Montana farmers, so they shoot the buffalo. If that shocks you, you know nothing of how farmers view that natural world.

God telling man to subdue the earth (it was a man who said that, but lets play pretend for a moment) was one of the dumbest things God did (because according to Jeff Sessions pot was a mistake as well, and while we're talking about him, he thinks that God made a mistake by making brown people). As I discussed in part one, humans are going to make the ocean a lifeless place at some point. Maybe it's before or after the year 2045 as has been predicted, but it's going to happen. Thanks to man subduing the earth, we now have nuclear plants, nuclear bombs, the ability to destroy life in minutes, and toxic waste with shelf life of who gives a shit just write down forever.

In his resignation letter, Pruitt started by saying "Mr. President, it has been an honor serving you in the Cabinet as Administrator of the EPA." You see that? Pruitt wasn't a public servant, serving the "public." He is a fascist working for an orange-faced authoritarian. He does say "I thank you for the opportunity to serve you and the American people in helping achieve those ends." "People" means oil, gas, and coal companies.

The Religious Right will not protect the environment. It goes against their pursuit of Armageddon. As explained by Paul McGuire, co-author of the book "Trumpocalypse: The End-Times President, a Battle Against the Globalist Elite, and the Countdown to Armageddon." He went on the "Prophecy in The News" program, where he said God is using Trump to prepare the world for the End Times.

"We believe very strongly, to be blunt, that God raised up Donald Trump to give America a divine reprieve.." "God wants America prosperous and free right now because God wants to bring about a Last Days soul harvest.. God is love, he wants to win as many people to Jesus Christ and bring them into heaven as possible. He needs America, because we're the only country that can do it, to be the launching pad for this Last Days soul harvest..." Only 3,944 people follow this guy on Twitter.

A conservative judge says education isn't a right. Right wing pundits and pastors are more concerned about fetuses than children being kidnapped from their parents. Mike Pence continues the tradition of American politicians being hypocritical towards Latin America. Policy and sentiments that are filled with hate for the poor. No care in the world that experts predict that the ocean could be void of salt-water fish by 2045. Don't care about communities being poisoned in hellish situations as those living in West Virginia around mountaintop removal coal mining. Not only do they not care for the environment (our health), to care means you're a "radical environmentalist." They care about fetuses but support a man (Scott Pruitt) who will cause more women to have reproductive problems.

And so deep into the authoritarian world of Trump for he was their way into, I feel the need to quote Hannah Arendt:

"Before they seize power and establish a world according to their doctrines, totalitarian movements conjure up a lying world of consistency which is more adequate to the needs of the human mind than reality itself; in which, through sheer imagination, uprooted masses can feel at home and are spared the never-ending shocks which real life and real experiences deal to human being and their expectations. The force possessed by totalitarian propaganda-before the movements have the power to drop iron curtains to prevent anyone's disturbing, by the slightest reality, the gruesome quiet of an entirely imaginary world-lies in its ability to shut the masses off from the real world."

The Religious Right and the pro-life movement do not live in reality. Their ideology needs to be aborted, before it aborts us...

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