As I stated in my last blog, I don't think that the train wreck that is the government shutdown is over...
Having said that, it's fun to watch white nationalists flip their shit....
We have Jacob Wohl, who has on his Twitter page the "Wall is Coming" graphic design, created a scam that alleged Special Counsel Robert Mueller raped a women in 2010, and who also stupidly tried to create a birther conspiracy about Sen. Kamala Harris.
But his first tweet was actually halfway intelligent:
Conspiracy theorist Mike Cernovich, who compared himself to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, called Trump "Commander-in-Soy!" which is a derivative of how the right likes calling someone soft. Usually, you hear them call someone "soy-boy," or some stupid shit like that:
Ben Shapiro took a break from saying scientifically illiterate statements, to posting sad and pathetic tweets like these:
In other words, government workers and small businesses suffered for nothing...
And last, but not least, Ann Coulter. The one who caused this government shutdown to begin with:
I'm down with that...
My quick search of these human scum's all sad that they may not get their bigot wall began when I saw this tweet:
A happy Friday, it is.... Gonna' pour one for all the dead homies......