Tucker Carlson is a piece of shit. This is why a small group of protesters went to his house to protest his decision to continuously spew white nationalist rhetoric on on his Fox News program. Reporter Alan Pyke, of ThinkProgress, went to report on the group of protesters who went to Tucker's home.
With regards to the protest at the home, Carlson claimed that a protester threw "their body against the door," but Pyke says that is not what happened.
"One of the protesters knocked firmly on Carlsons' front door three times then trotted back down the steps to join the rest of the group in the street," writes Pyke. "A police report on the incident makes no mention of damage to the Carlsons' front door from the three stiff knocks."
Another Carlson embellishment was his claim that protesters was going to come back to his home with a pipe bomb, but Pyke says the protesters were chanting "Pipe bombs! Synagogue victims!" Highlighting the fact that the Tucker and the news outlet that he works for, "have long amplified the same flavor of xenophobic paranoia and white supremacist ideology believed to have motivated alleged so-called 'MAGAbomber!' Cesar Sayoc and Pittsburgh synagogue shooter Robert Bowers."
"There is no mention of the phrase 'pipe bombs' in the police report later filed," writes Pyke, making another aspect of Carlsons' story to be contradictory to the police reports.
The crowd cheered "We'll be back! We won't tell you when!" as they began to leave Carlson's home. One of the protesters, according to Pyke, stopped and pulled a can of spray paint from their backpack to spray the anarchist A symbol on Carlson's driveway. One protester said, "I didn't sign up for this," while another said, "Seriously, what the fuck."
Tucker went on his show the next day to say the protesters "weren't protesting anything specific that I had said," or "asking me to change anything." That claim, on his show, was in fact a lie. Pyke reports that the protesters had in fact started the night chanting that "Carlson promotes 'an ideology that's led to thousands of people dying by the hand of police, to trans women being murdered in the street.'"
"The group elaborated on its intentions in a written statement shared with ThinkProgress," writes Pyke.
The statement to ThinkProgess:
We all know why this is happening. Donald Trump, along with right wing pundits, like Tucker Carlson and Ann Coulter, have demonized millions of people, including immigrants, Muslims, ‘diversity’ (code for black), and the left.
Carlson has been praised by known Nazis like Richard Spencer and the Hitler fans at the Daily Stormer, and has hired vocal white supremacists to his staff. Protecting ourselves and our communities means interfering with those who make a platform for hate. So we will go to their homes and their workplaces, and find them in restaurants.
It's not just the lies about that night, which makes Tucker Carlson a piece of shit.
While people late night host Stephen Colbert expressed sympathy for Tucker Carlson:
Comedian W. Kamau Bell reminded Tucker Carlson that Tucker himself had target Bell on his show, which caused problems for Bell, and his family:
Matt Rivitz, founder of Sleeping Giants, a political boycotting organization, has also faced violent threats because of Carlson. Rivitz, "told ThinkProgress he blames the Carlson-founded website The Daily Caller and peer publication Breitbart for a raft of specific and violent threats this summer against him, his wife, and his children."
This is why I say fuck Tucker Carlson. This is also why I ask people like Stephen Colbert, what the fuck are you doing?
By falling for Carlson and the right's propaganda, you gave fascists the high ground, when there isn't a reason to do so-ever. Especially, with regards to the incident this week.