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Writer's picturewalterskuzeski

This Is Why I Don't Watch Meet The Press

Screenshot: NBC News via Twitter

I only turn on cable television of any kind to just see what stories they are covering, and how they are covering it. For-profit, capitalist entities, will not discuss the flaws within capitalism. That is why MSNBC will talk about Russia, or something Trump said or tweeted, but will be quiet on issues like say, the Trump administration's attempt to bring back child labor, or his Supreme Court that will give him more power, and not hold public officials accountable.

A segment on NBC's, Meet the Press, is exactly why I don't watch it, when Chuck Todd chose to have right-wing commentator conspiracy theorist Erick Erickson on his show, and did next to nothing to push back, or call him out on things he has said.

Erick Erickson noted by MediaMatters:


...Erickson isn’t moderate. He has argued that gay men should expect to be assaulted in bars if their appearance makes others uncomfortable, defended Roy Moore voters for sticking with their candidate despite “damning” evidence that suggested he preyed on teenage girls, uncritically spread a conspiracy theoryabout Parkland survivor David Hogg, and later labeled Hogg a “high school bully.”


"If you're a conservative who's at war with the truth, you're not really a conservative," said Erickson on Meet the Press:

Screenshot: Twitter

If Chuck Todd was actually on television to be a journalist, he would call Erickson for being a huge fucking hypocrite:

Not only does that claim have no basis of truth, the Honduran "caravan" has had various conspiracy theories floating around online, including that George Soros is helping the "caravan" get to America, a conspiracy theory promoted by politicians, like Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL):

Kyle Kulinski, host of Secular Talk pointed out on Twitter the lack of the left's reach on television news:

Trump and his supporters like to think of CNN and MSNBC as some face for the left, but the reality is, what is "left" on television is pussy-cowards like Chuck Todd who won't confront douchebag conspiracy theorists...

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