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This Topic Isn't as Simple as a Tweet

Writer's picture: walterskuzeski walterskuzeski

Remember when Republicans would blame Democrats for near-to government shutdowns, or actual government shutdowns? I always found that point of view absurd, because of people like Ted Cruz. This week though, Trump’s pee-brain makes that past point of view even more laughable than it already was. On July 29th, Donald Trump tweeted, “I would be willing to 'shut down' government if the Democrats do not give us the votes for Border Security, which includes the Wall! Must get rid of Lottery, Catch & Release etc. and finally go to system of Immigration based on MERIT! We need great people coming into our Country!”

Apparently, you can already decide whether or not a six year old Guatemalan is a “great” person or not. Who is a great person by the way? Oh that’s right, the privileged and the educated. In other words, if you were a jobless blue collar worker who voted for Trump, he means not you. Staying on the topic of “great people coming into our Country,” is he referring to his grandfather who left Germany to avoid mandatory military service? Meanwhile, immigrants who don’t get this horse shit label of merit based, are willing to serve in our military in order to get legal citizenship. Good news, the Trump administration has made sure to put an end to that. I will say, their is one thing I’m willing to agree with Donald Trump on. When he says that we need to get rid of “lottery” immigration, it pisses me off, and here's why; I think he shouldn’t have been allowed to inherent millions of dollars from his old man. He's never had to lived unprivileged, and he's incapable of acknowledging this. Furthermore, if Trump is what he claims, a genius businessman, I’m sure he could’ve built an empire from nothing (He can’t, it’s why he killed the USFL).

Why should Democrats give you votes for the wall, when you won’t give them the votes for DACA? Children who came here illegally, but are now adults, are by far more American than they are where they came from. Trump’s ability for authoritarianism is only matched by his inability for democracy or politics (discussing of that which you disagree). Secondly, building a wall isn’t as easy as he, or any of his knuckle-dragging followers want to consider. Take for example, Pamela Taylor, a lady who lives on the U.S.-Mexican border along the Rio Grande. She voted for Trump, but has a large sign on her property that reads; “We’re part of America, we need representation & protection, not a fence.” Farmers who voted for Trump will be pissed when their livelihood is fucked with by a wall. Instead of supporting a wall, if we would just legalize drugs (the cocoa plant), “criminals” coming into the country would end. Then again, those evil women and children would still be coming. Lastly, border crossings have been decreasing for years, never mind that Obama was called “Deporter-in-Chief.”

Trump want’s $5 billion this year for the border, but how is he to pay for it when he is simultaneously thinking about granting another tax cut worth $100 billion, which of course, would benefit the rich (shocker!!!). The reason it would help the rich, is because the tax cut is related to the capital gains tax. Capital gains deals with Wall Street, hedge funders, and rich people. Thankfully for America, if Congress decides to not pass it, the administration will try to do it another way, as explained by Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin:

“If it can’t get done through a legislation process, we will look at what tools at Treasury we have to do it on our own and we’ll consider that. We are studying that internally, and we are also studying the economic costs and the impact on growth.”

Aside from where the money for this fucking thing will come from, Trump and his followers like to ignore other problems that would be caused by the wall being built, because that would require being empathetic to the impact of the wall on brown people. Trump’s border wall would cut across sacred Indian land of the Tohono O’odham tribe, which means little to Trump (nor anyone else for that matter, hallelujah manifest destiny), for he’s an Andrew Jackson fan (Trail of Tears). Vice chairman of the Tohono O’odham nation,Verlon Jose, says, “over my dead body will we build a wall.” “It's like me going into your home and saying 'You know what? I believe in order to protect your house we need some adjusting.' And you're going to say, 'Wait a minute, who are you to come into my house and tell me how to protect my home?'" Verlon Jose also said “I always tell people that every stick and stone is sacred. The rocks that you see along the road have meaning. Sometimes you refer to them as 'the grandfathers.’”

Sorry Mr. Jose, but the white man really only cares about one thing, and that one thing is money-money-money-money….



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