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Triggered Right-Wingers

Writer's picture: walterskuzeski walterskuzeski

Political correctness is often labeled as a problem with the left. Conservatives aren’t allowed to be themselves, and that conservatives can’t speak in Berkeley, California, because “It’s only like 25 percent white,” as Ann Coulter said. She’s playing to her thoughtless crowd, because she knows what she has said in the past about college students. Why would college students want to have someone come to there campus, who has said their votes should be taken away? Furthermore, why would people of color want to hear from you?

Mothers of the Movement, is a group of African American mothers who have lost their children to gun violence, and public abuses. Hillary Clinton had some of them come to the DNC. One of which, was the mother of Michael Brown. Instead of discussing an issue in the complex-nuanced way that such a topic deserves. Coulter said that Brown’s mothers “claim to fame” was “raising a hoodlum,” and “giving birth to, and then carefully nurturing, a violent, a cop-assaulting criminal.” Not only did Michael Brown not touch a cop, but his body was left in the street for hours.

Her article on the Mothers of the Movement was titled “When Do The Mothers Of ISIS Speak?” What institution with an ounce of integrity or credibility allow someone with such inaccurate-vile-racist shit like this? Not to mention that she has the audacity to say that immigrant children who have been separated from their families by ICE are “child actors.”

While people of color and immigrants have real problems, Ann Coulter cries she doesn’t have a safe space in Berkeley California.

On Twitter Republican Rep. Steve King lamented on how the left wrongly accuses the right as being Nazi’s way too much:

“Nazi” is injected into Leftist talking points because the worn out & exhausted “racist” is over used & applied to everyone who lacks melanin & who fail to virtue signal at the requisite frequency & decibels. But… Nazis were socialists & Leftists are socialists.

Not only is his historical knowledge rather limited, but in tweeting his argument he proved himself wrong about the lefts use of the word “Nazi,” and “racist.” For in his tweet, Steve King quote-tweeted Lana Lokteff. Who RightWingWatch “Identified last year as one of the major voices spreading white supremacist hate on YouTube on behalf of the web-based outlet Red Ice. Lokteff once invited alt-right YouTuber Faith Goldy onto the network to defend the world-famous ’14 words’ white supremacist slogan.”

Here’s some more on Lokteff from RightWingWatch:

“Between the promotion of interracial relationships, mixed race babies, open borders, promoting non-white is most beautiful and exotic and white pride is wicked, and melting blobs in all and only European countries, the sinister agenda is obvious: Destroy European people and replace them with the ‘new’ Europeans.

You’re only a good European if you no longer look white. This is wicked, hateful Europhobic propaganda. It’s so devious, so underhanded and so wrong.”

She then compared the depiction of mixed race couples in media to genocide.

Lokteff said, “When you get down to it, this dirty propaganda is trying to destroy, in whole or in part, a group of people and trying to prevent births within that group. That, folks, constitutes as genocide. It’s more devious than blatant in-your-face mass murdering, but give it time.”

Unfortunately, for Steve King, he can’t just chalk up this as a mistake or that he’s just a moron. You’re a racist. You said that Colin Kaepernick was helping ISIS, because, his girlfriend was a Muslim.

As noted by RightWingWatch:

“I understand that he has an Islamic girlfriend that is his fiancée and that this has changed him, has taken on some different political views along the way, this is activism that is sympathetic to ISIS,” he (Steve King) told host Steve Malzberg. “For me, if I’m the coach, I would say, ‘You’re done. Until you take a knee and beg forgiveness from the American people, you’re not going to set foot out on this field again.’”

You only have yourself to blame Steve King. If you don’t want people calling a “Nazi” or a “racist,” then don’t be a Nazi, or a racist.

Steve King is of course not the first, nor last person to say something completely insane about Colin Kaepernick. A right-wing Christian apologist Alex McFarland, has said that Nike and Kaepernick are both “borderline treasonous.” I guess using your first amendment rights should be considered treasonous. McFarland said “show your fidelity to the USA and never, never, buy a Nike product..”

Well, a mayor of a New Orleans suburb is going even further. Mayor Ben Zahn of Kenner, Louisiana, sent out a private memo, in which he wrote:

Effective immediately all purchases made by any booster club operating at any Kenner Recreation Facility for wearing apparel, shoes, athletic equipment and/or any athletic product must be approved by the Director of Parks and Recreation, or his designee. Under no circumstances will any Nike product or any product with the Nike logo be purchased for use or delivery at any City of Kenner Recreation Facility.

Sure Berkeley may cancel an Ann Coulter speech, but that doesn’t mean a fan of hers can’t read her books on campus. Un less, they report to the Dean’s office to get the ok.

The reaction by some of Kaepernick, The Root writes:

Everyone from Donald Trump to regular people on Twitter had something negative to say about the ad, and it makes you wonder just what it is they have against a black man exercising his right to speak up for himself and his people. Why do they insist on “silencing” a protest against inequality and racism? Why is this the thing that is driving everyone crazy?

Hmm.. I wonder what it is about Colin that has people pissed off? Historically, white people have always hated an opinionated black man or women, but that surely can’t be what is at play here?

Serena Williams in the U.S. Open did act inappropriately while on the tennis court. To have drawn a cartoon for a newspaper would’ve been fine, if only you had chosen not to draw her like racists’ did in 1925. Mark Knight who drew an illustration for the Australian newspaper the Herald Sun, and he has gotten flack for it. Where people have claimed that it’s racist and sexist. But when you look at it, and you look at stuff drawn in the past. Either Mark Knight is a racist, or he just doesn’t understand how his drawing of Serena Williams could cut deep wounds in the African American community.

The Herald Sun decided to disregard history, and backed the drawing by complaining about the PC world we live in. Knight told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation that he had “no knowledge of those cartoons or that period,” meaning the Jim Crow era where his drawings look similar to that time period. In an op-ed, Knight said “the world has officially gone mad.” What’s maddening Mr. Knight, is that white people still draw pictures of black people like they did during the Jim Crow era. Instead of complaining about those who are right to complain about your drawing. Go look up the drawings from the Jim Crow era.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the only drawing Knight has done that looks more than questionable. He once drew a picture of African teens “fighting and causing destruction” in a train station. Victorian Labor MP Jacinta Allan is in the front of the cartoon, and the rioting Africans are in the back.

Junkee writes:

Allan was under fire this week after she announced that she would stop Sky News from broadcasting in Victorian train stations. She made the move after Sky presenter Adam Giles held an interview with far right ringleader Blair Cottrell.

Most didn’t have an issue with Knight criticising Allan — but they did think he went too far with his representation of African teens in the cartoon’s background.

“The racist vilification of Melburnians from the Herald Sun continues apace. Utterly shameful. STOP,” wrote Greens Melbourne City councillor Rohan Leppert on Twitter.

Mark Knight not be able to recall Jim Crow America, but I know of Australia’s history with their indigenous population. To complain about his cartoons is not out of place. To have two drawings come so close to one another in time, and receive criticism. I’m left to wonder if Mark Knight is either a racist, or he just doesn’t really think before he draws? I don’t wish to silence Knight. Just do some research, and soul searching man.

The creme de la creme of right-wingers being triggered came when music legend, and OG legend Willie Nelson announced that he is supporting the Texas Democratic Nominee for Senate, Beto O’Rourke. Willie Nelson has also announced that he will be headline a Sept. 29 rally for O’Rourke, and some of his fans reacted like people who seem to be confused on who Willie Nelson is.

One new hater wrote “If that’s true (then) I’m done after 45 years with the Red Headed Stranger. By Willie, that smoke has finally got you!”

Another wrote, “Goodbye Willie, I don’t support socialist commies! You’re not going to advertise on my FB page either. Like we say in Texas, Now Git!” Boy, if that’s a popular saying in Texas, one must wonder how big of assholes Texans are? Furthermore, “you don’t have my conservative beliefs? You’re a commie!” Exactly what the left always gets shit for.

These upset fans about Willie Nelson I ask this of you. Who would Willie Nelson choose?

A bad ass who use to be in a band, or Ted Cruz? Drop the mic…



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