“More Americans are working than ever in the history of our country!” Donald Trump told crowd at his West Virginia rally this weekend.
“Wages went up-first time in a long time. They hadn’t gone up.”
Trump supporters won’t look and see that is not the case. If anything, they’d call the Business Insider a radical-leftist news outlet, and repeat Trump’s absurd claim that Democrats will “use socialism to turn America into Venezuela.”
Don’t anticipate Trump or his supporters to provide a coherent explanation of the political, social, and economical realities of Venezuela.
“Crying Chuck, right? He cries. I’ve never seen him cry before. But he cries,” Trump told the crowd. Trump supporters decision to never critically think has allowed Trump to get extremely lazy with his rhetoric.
“Republicans will always protect patients with pre-existing conditions,” once again spewing one of his most pathetic, and easily disprovable lies.
After a pathetic lie like that, you know Trump would follow it up with, “All I’m doing, is just telling the truth.”
If Trump was about “telling the truth,” he would have went off on West Virginia’s Supreme Court for making a ruling that could limit the ability of coal miner’s to get compensation for black lung disease.
Trump's care for coal miner’s is when it fits with in his propaganda apparatus. This court ruling does not fit inside it, because two of the judges who made this ruling were appointed by Republican Gov. Jim Justice.
Therefore, Trump can’t talk about it, because it would show that Republicans are worse for coal miners. Not only are they lying to coal miners about the future of coal, but they’re making it harder for those miners with black lung disease to get the care they deserve.
“The case focused on three coal miners and one factory worker who filed workers’ compensation claims hoping to be examined by the Occupational Pneumoconiosis Board,” reported the Charleston Gazette-Mail.
“The four claims were rejected because they either weren’t filed within three years after the last day of exposure, or within three years of being diagnosed with black lung.”
Chief Justice Margaret Workman in a dissenting opinion, wrote: “Our legislature has long recognized that OP evolves into a chronic and progressive respiratory disease that may lay dormant for years before totally disabling and killing many of these coal miners.”
That Republican judges would vote to limit the time for coal miners to be compensated for black lung, or Donald Trump not mention this grotesque ruling at his rally is not surprising. They both need the vote from the coal miner's, and so support the coal miner's when it suits their agenda's.
The irony is that's what conservatives like to say about Democrats and getting the votes from the African American community.
Unfortunately, it is also not surprising that the other political party in America is too incompetent and corrupt to point this out, so they will not take advantage of this opportunity, not even Democratic Senator Steve Mnuchin.