Donald Trump has been able to raise a shit ton of money for his own campaign, according to Mother Jones, but his campaign also spent an "unprecedented" amount during the 2018 midterms.
Instead of it going to help out Republican candidates, it was used to help Donald Trump.
While some GOP candidates were being outspent by Democratic opponents, Trump's campaign spent $3.2 million at his properties and businesses.
Not only did Trump use campaign money on his various entities, some $30 million or more is still sitting in the bank, as of late September.
Of the money actually spent for the midterms and elections, came in the form of two ad's in late October, which tried to argue why you should be a racist-asshole, and vote for the GOP candidates.
One ad "literally" had "no mention of Trump," so it would come as no surprise that he "reportedly did not like it."
The second ad compared migrants to criminals, and was so awful that even Fox News stopped airing it.
The lack of spending shows that either Trump didn't think Republicans were going to do well in the midterms, or that it was just Trump being Trump: lack of abilities to allocate resources, while using money to benefit himself, and only himself..