Trump says insane shit at his campaign rallies, but his audience won't hold him accountable.
Like when he says shit like this reported by CNN:
"I want to tell you, we have great people in the Department of Justice, we have great people. These are people, I really believe, you take a poll, I got to be at 95%," Trump told rallygoers in Missouri. "But we had some real bad ones -- you see what's happened at the FBI, they're all gone, they're all gone, they're all gone. But there's a lingering stench and we're going to get rid of that, too."
He said, "Just look at what is now being exposed in our Department of Justice and the FBI. Look at what's going on. Look at what's going on."
His comments came just hours after it was reported that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein had allegedly discussed wearing a wire to record conversations with Trump like Omarosa.
While he ranted about the "lingering stench" at the Justice Department, the news about Rod Rosenstein came from the New York Times. Why would Trump believe what they say? How does his supporters not catch the irony? It's because they fucking don't want to do anything thinking. Thinking hurts.
While Trump will tweet:

His supporters will think he wants transparency, but they're not going to think about the fact that Trump has yet to release his tax returns. I wonder why? After all, he's for transparency isn't he?
Here's some of them:
4. "This is an incredible time for our country. America is winning again."
5. "It is a pretty sad day, isn't it? Don't worry. It's all going to get better. It's all going to get better."
9. "It's like we have to have more Republicans in office. We'll get everything we want, so fast. We've got to have it."
13. "The new platform of the Democrat Party is radical socialism and open borders."
14. "And I won't allow the United States of America to become the next Venezuela. That's what they want to do."
Let's go from top to bottom with the 5 of 35 things that I chose.
With 4-5, he said our country "is winning again." Immediately followed by it's "a pretty sad day." There's more to sports than winning, but it's certainly not "sad" to lose.
9, You're a Republican in the White House, meanwhile, Republicans control both the House and the Senate.
13-14, are pretty amazing things to say coming from a man who has tweeted shit like this:

It never ceases to amazes me, and I'll never believe that so many people could believe such nonsense....