To those who think Trump is smart, may God have mercy on your soul.
Trump tweeted about Japan's Prime Minister coming to Trump Tower, which makes you remember that Trump is still profiting from business while being the president. It also reminds you to never let people trick you into thinking that Trump is being treated worse than any other president in history. You can't be mistreated when you're allowed to get away with violating the Constitution.

When Trump tweets that Abe Shinzo "had a great landslide victory in Japan." You realize he doesn't know shit about Japanese politics, and the true relationship between Japan and the United States going back to the Cold War era.
To be fair to not Trump, but his supporters, the historical relationship between the United States and Japan is something you'll have to stumble on by luck. Like, when I found that George Washington University has information and documents that deal with "National Security" issues.
On Japan they document:
April 15, 1960
Foreign Minister Aiichiro Fujiyama testifies before the Diet Special Committee for National Security that the "Three elements requiring pre-consultation [under the U.S.-Japan Mutual Security Treaty] are introduction of nuclear warheads, introduction of long-range missiles, and construction of a missile launch base." He also says that "Pre-consultation is required if the Seventh Fleet engages in strategic combat using Japan as its base." (Chronology in Japan and the United States: Diplomatic, Security, and Economic Relations, 1960-1976, ed. Robert A. Wampler (Washington, D.C.: The National Security Archive and Chadwyck-Healey, 2001))
May 26, 1960
Hundreds of thousands demonstrate in Tokyo, demanding Prime Minister Kishi's resignation, new elections, and cancellation of the upcoming Eisenhower state visit to Japan. The upper house of the Diet extends its current session to approve the new U.S.-Japan mutual security treaty. (Chronology in, 1960-1976, ed. Robert A. Wampler (Chronology in Japan and the United States: Diplomatic, Security, and Economic Relations (Washington, D.C.: The National Security Archive and Chadwyck-Healey, 2001))
The main reason you should know that Donald Trump doesn't know shit about Japanese politics is that he doesn't realize Shinzo Abe is from the Liberal Democratic Party, which have been in power since the end of WWII.
In Chalmers Johnson's book Blowback, he discusses how the LDP has been in power since the end of WWII, and how it's been propped up by the United States throughout and the Cold War era, and on.
Chalmers Johnson writes:
In many other countries there are milder or subtler versions of these kinds of covert manipulations that may lead to future blowback. To take but one example, the U.S. State Department recently published volume 22 of Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961-1963, the official chronicle of American foreign policy, in this case devoted to relations between the United States, China, Korea, and Japan thirty-five or more years ago.
Nonetheless, the government refused to declassify some 13.5 percent of the documents that should have been included in the section of Japan.....
The State Department, surely under instruction from the CIA and the Department of Defense, took the unusual step of holding back key documents-undoubtley involving among other matters secret CIA payments to the conservative. long-ruling Liberal Democratic Party and its leading politicians, as well as the presence of nuclear arms at American bases in Japan, fearing that their publication might result in the kind of blowback of which a poor Third World country like Guatemala would be incapable, but which Japan might well undertake.
(Pg.- 16-17)
Chalmers also writes what he considers the true role of the Liberal Democratic Party:
For thirty years, the Liberal Democratic Party successfully prevented any alteration in political power and dutifully legitimated Japan's status as a satellite of the United States. Unfortunately, it did little else, leaving the actual governance of the country to the state bureaucracy, ensuring that any impulses the citizenry might have had toward self-government would atrophy. By the 1990's Japan was the world's second-richest country, but with a government remarkably similar to that of the former East Germany.
(Pg. 23)
Our President doesn't know shit about shit... Remember when he couldn't explain what a nuclear triad is during the campaign when it was fun talking about Trump?
During a Republican presidential debate in 2015, Hugh Hewitt asked Trump, "What's your priority among our nuclear triad?"
Trump replied:
Well, first of all, I think we need somebody absolutely that we can trust, who is totally responsible, who really knows what he or she is doing. That is so powerful and so important.
And one of the things that I’m frankly most proud of is that in 2003, 2004, I was totally against going into Iraq because you’re going to destabilize the Middle East. I called it. I called it very strongly. And it was very important.
But we have to be extremely vigilant and extremely careful when it comes to nuclear. Nuclear changes the whole ballgame. Frankly, I would have said get out of Syria; get out – if we didn’t have the power of weaponry today. The power is so massive that we can’t just leave areas that 50 years ago or 75 years ago we wouldn’t care. It was hand-to-hand combat.
He's a never-ending well of not knowing anything...