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Writer's picturewalterskuzeski

Trump Mocks Dr. Christine Blasey Ford & Calls Democrats Who Are Against Kavanaugh "Evil People"

Screenshot: CNN via YouTube

Trump's Mississippi rally was what you would expect it to be: Horrific!

Trump said any Democrat against Brett Kavanaugh are "evil people."

He mocked Christine Blasey Ford's testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee:

Quoting Splinter, quoting the New York Times:

Not only does memory fade with time, but when the brain’s defense circuitry is activated, the prefrontal cortex, which normally directs attention, can be rapidly impaired, affecting what information is recorded in memory, said James Hopper, a psychologist and teaching associate at Harvard Medical School. So the victim may remember a wallpaper pattern or a heightened sensation, but not the order of events. Even when the brain vividly records traumatic events, he said, it can sustain “super-encoding mode” for only a limited time before that function also becomes impaired.

Congrats Trump supporters.

Kamala Harris reveals Kavanaugh is full of shit.

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