"The New York Times did a phony story, as usual, about my relationship with Mike Pence. They made up sources and refused to ask me, the only one that would know, for a quote," cried Trump on the first of two tweets.
In the second, Trump said, "I can't imagine any President having a better or closer relationship with their Vice President than the two of us. Just more FAKE NEWS, the Enemy of the People."
A day later, Mike Pence spoke at the Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC).
"We have taken decisive action to address our imbalance with China," Pence said. "We put tariffs on $250 billion in Chinese goods, and we could more than double that number."
"The United States, though, will not change course until China changes its way."
As noted by Reuters, Pence's comments were the opposite of those by Trump the day before.
"Pence's warnings on Saturday contrasted with remarks made by Trump on Friday, when he said he may not impose more tariffs after China sent the United States a list of measures it was willing to take to resolve trade tensions."
Is Pence trying to undermine Trump? Is their contrasting statements a part of their strategy?
As Trump mentioned, the New York Times didn't talk to him, so we won't know what is going on.
After all, Trump is always know to tell the truth, and nothing but the truth.