I have no problem with president's writing op-ed's. Why would you? It allows American citizens to hear from the president, and there is never a bad to time for that.
Having said that, an op-ed is a lot different than a propaganda piece that is filled with lies, and inaccuracies.
As his Twitter post shows:
"I also made a solemn promise to our great seniors to protect Medicare. That is why I am fighting so hard against the Democrats' plan that would eviscerate Medicare," wrote Trump in his "op-ed."
Trump does not care that back in June, Republicans proposed a bill that would cut $537 billion over 10 years to medicare. His cult followers aren't going to look into it. And even if they did, they'd just turn on Mark Levine and hear him decry The Hill for selling out to the Democrats.
Truly only delusional or deceitful people would make the claim that the Democrats want to gut medicare, and that the Republicans are trying to save it. The Republicans are using "Socialist" healthcare as a political football to try and turn reality upside down.
With a cult following it might work, but how about listening to people who live where there is universal healthcare?:
So it makes sense that the Daily Beast would report this about Trump's "op-ed":
The Washington Post’s fact-check team reported Wednesday that almost every sentence in Trump’s opinion article for USA Today contains a misleading statement or a falsehood. The op-ed, which states “Democrats ‘Medicare for All’ plan will demolish promises to seniors,” contains previously debunked claims, the publication states. “Presumably the president is aware of our fact checks—he even links to one—but chose to ignore the facts in service of a campaign-style op-ed,” the article states. The Post article dissects the president’s piece line-by-line, correcting his claims along the way. Trump did get one thing right. According to the newspaper, Trump correctly stated that Medicare “studies have estimated that the program—under the version promoted by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)—would add $36 trillion in costs to the federal government over 10 years.”
Congrats Trump, at least you can say you said something truthful for once in your life.
People on Twitter voiced their opinion on this garbage "op-ed":
USA Today then wrote another op-ed in order to try and save their ass-that stated Trump's "op-ed" was a complete disaster, and full of bullshit...
Like this to begin an article from TruthOut:
Once again, the Trump administration’s efforts to undermine the Affordable Care Act (ACA) are threatening to reverse progress made toward addressing the nation’s opioid woes.
The Opioid crisis is one of the consistent topics Trump has discussed, other than immigration and locking up a Democrat. But he is sociopathic liar, and human scum.
He can get away with anything by his base, because they can believe that the Affordable Care Act is the worse thing since the Soviet Revolution.
For the second year in a row the Trump administration is going to shutdown Healthcare.gov to "repair" the website.
The ACA is by no means perfect, but it has allowed millions to get access to healthcare that they would otherwise not get. Trump's "op-ed" comes during the same time that he is doing something that will negatively impact millions of people's access to healthcare:
I'm being a broken record, but it never hurts to say that Trump is a lying-piece of shit.
For he is, just like when he writes his own broken record:
Today’s Democratic Party is for open-borders socialism. This radical agenda would destroy American prosperity. Under its vision, costs will spiral out of control. Taxes will skyrocket. And Democrats will seek to slash budgets for seniors’ Medicare, Social Security and defense.
Notice there wasn't any links in that paragraph?
It's because he can just make up shit statements that his cult followers will take hook, line, and sinker.