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Trump's W.H. Statement Was Just A Dumb Pitch For The American Empire

Writer's picture: walterskuzeski walterskuzeski

Donald Trump released a White House statement yesterday about the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, and the likelihood that Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman.

Despite the CIA saying that MBS likely made the call to have Khashoggi murdered, Trump's response was to say, "maybe he did and maybe he didn't."

"The world is a very dangerous place," is what our "stable genius" President began with.

A world where the President of the United States tells the world that it's ok to murder those who stand in your way of what you want, "is a very dangerous place."

Although it came in the writing of someone even dumber than myself, Trump went on to use Iran as the reason the world is such a dangerous place. To do so, Trump blatantly lied, while using neocon cliches.

He had the audacity to say that Iran, "is responsible for a bloody proxy war against Saudi Arabia in Yemen."

"Donald Trump wants to ramp up Yemen's proxy fight against Iran," writes Foreign Policy. "One small problem: Tehran doesn't really have a proxy there."

Trump is trying to make the Houthis sound like Hezbollah. One thing they have in common: what Hezbollah sees Israel as, so the Houthis about Saudi Arabia.

Foreign Policy writes:

"Saudi Arabia has become to the Houthis what Israel has long been to Hezbollah. The Lebanese “Party of God” sees Israel as an alien occupier of Arab land and oppressor of its people that, along with the United States and other Western countries, has larger designs on the region. For the Houthis, Saudi Arabia is an external aggressor, and likewise part of a U.S-Israeli plot to dominate the region."

The longer Saudi Arabia is bombing Yemen, the more inclined the Houthis are to get help from Iran, nevertheless, "Saudi Arabia would gladly withdraw from Yemen if the Iranians would agree to leave," is what Trump wrote.

Any aide to the Houthis by Iran doesn't even come close to that given to Saudi Arabia, and it's not just the United States.

"How can the United States, Britain, and France keep shipping Riyadh arms when its pilots are dropping bombs on innocent civilians?" Asked Foreign Policy in 2016.

Not only is the United States still doing so, it is part of the excuse that Donald Trump is making for why he will not take action against MBS.

This is Trump on the "importance" of having good relations with Saudi Arabia:

"After my heavily negotiated trip to Saudi Arabia last year, the Kingdom agreed to spend and invest $450 billion in the United States. This is a record amount of money. It will create hundreds of thousands of jobs, tremendous economic development, and much additional wealth for the United States. Of the $450 billion, $110 billion will be spent on the purchase of military equipment from Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and many other great U.S. defense contractors."

Not that long ago, Trump was saying that a deal with Saudi Arabia would create "over a million jobs."

Not only are his facts a lie, but Trump is talking about making money from the blood of innocent civilians in a war zone.

Trump seriously went on to make the argument that if we don't make money from blood, countries like Russia and China will.

In other words, if we don't make the blood money, somebody will.

Trump tries to fake his outrage at the murder of Khashoggi by calling it "terrible" and "that our country does not condone" it.

After saying that Americans don't agree with murdering journalists, Trump went on to borderline promote Saudi propaganda, which accuses Khashoggi of being a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and being an "enemy of the state."

Similar to "enemy of the people," which Trump likes to say. It's just pure coincidence that Trump is talking about the same profession Khashoggi was in.

"Our intelligence agencies continue to assess all information, but it could very well be that the Crown Price had knowledge of this tragic event," writes Trump.

Trump proceeded to immediately undermine the intelligence community by saying of MBS' involvement in Khashoggi's death: "maybe he did and maybe he didn't."

Despite dumb statements like "the world is a dangerous place," and "maybe he did and maybe he didn't."

All Trump was doing was pitching to the American people, the American Empire, National Enquirer style..

If an American stands in the way of the American empire, they are to be eliminated. That is what Trump said.

If you're anyone who gets in the way of empire, even if you are an American, you will be erased.

"Very simply it is called America First!"

That's how Trump ended his awful statement.

Very simply it is called empire, and Trump first!



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