Donald Trump held a rally in Mesa, Arizona, making it the 46th rallyhe has attended since being elected President. Even though, he claims to have not visited troops overseas yet, because he is "very busy." Like all of his rallies, his rants were full of lies, madness, and to say reality was turned on its head would be an understatement so large, it's as indescribable as explaining the size of the universe.
The president said that the Democrats had an "extremist agenda," on immigration, and that the only thing Democrats want is power.
"The Democrats don't care what their extremist immigration agenda will do to your communities," Trump told the racist crowd. According to Trump, the Democrats are "going to totally bankrupt our country, because all the Democrats want is power."
Of course, Trump ranting that the Democrats will "bankrupt" America comes right after the recent news that the Federal deficit is at a six year high, but that went right over the head of his audience.
That was only the beginning of Trump's lying-insanity. He went on to talk about the roughly 4,000 migrants coming from Honduras, not as people trying to flee corruption and violence aided by the United States, but a group of people led by Pancho Villa.
Trump told the audience that the 4,000 Hondurans, if allowed to enter the United States, would, "break our laws, violate our borders, and overwhelm our nation."
What does it say about Trump and his supporters that they fear 4,000 Hondurans "overwhelming" a country with a population of 350 million? Furthermore, if the Hondurans go to checkpoints to seek asylum, they would neither be breaking any laws, nor violating the United States border. Not to mention, coming to America illegally is a misdemeanor, where as, the Trump Organization has likely been committing tax fraud for decades.
One is doing work for farmers, providing food for you at super markets, and benefiting the economy immensely. Meanwhile, tax fraud prevents a country from having resources to benefit its people. Which of the two is worse?
Of the Mexican Military, Trump said, "They're fighting some bad people in that group," talking about the Honduran migrants. "You see the people come up and you listen to the fake news back there, and you'd think they're all wonderful people! You got some bad people in those groups, you got some tough people in those group, and I'll tell you what: This country does not want them?"
First of all, how does Donald Trump know which of the Hondurans are good, and which of them are bad? He is just saying what he wants without any confirmation on information, just like his retweet of Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) tweet that falsely claimed George Soros was paying the Honduran migrants.
Secondly, Mexico's security forces has a track record of human rights violations, and blood on their hands. In 2014, with weapons made in the United States, Mexican security forces disappeared 43 students from the teachers college in Ayotzinapa in the Mexican state of Guerrero.
Thirdly, when Trump says "this country does not want them." He means his supporters, who cannot grasp the importance of having immigrants, and whom would fit in at a 1950's KKK rally:
Because Donald Trump's policies have been bad for average Americans, and he's allowing those inside the federal government, as noted by DCReport:
The long-term trend shows that under Trump a steady decline in federal law enforcement efforts against government corruption is accelerating. Trump has repeatedly attacked the Justice Department and the FBI, including delusional rhetoric based on conspiracy theories about a “deep state” that he says is out to get him. In September, at a rally for his 2020 re-election campaign, he accused the agencies of not doing their jobs and indicated he wants them to prosecute Hillary Clinton.
Trump has to campaign using racism and fear.
"Democrats want to throw your borders wide open to deadly drugs and endless gangs," Trump said to the crowd of mindless morons. "Come on in, come on in," said Trump pretending to be Democrats. Ignoring that Obama deported more immigrants more than any other president.
Trump called those being pursued by Immigrations and Customs Enforcement as "nests."
About Democrats, Trump said, "they don't want us to have a wall." Adding, "they will fight to the death because they don't want the wall, but we started the wall anyway and we're gonna get that done."
So: Democrats don't want the wall, so much so that they'll "fight to death," yet, the wall is being built anyways. Who are these democrats going all-kamikaze to prevent a wall from being built?
Furthermore, Democrats did give him an offer, but Trump didn't want to make a deal that would have given him a wall in exchange for allowing Dreamers to stay. Instead, the racist-shit bag couldn't stand the idea of a single brown person remaining in America.
The lies, the racism, and the stupidity culminated in The Daily Beast talking to a Trump supporter. Remember what I have already written.
"He's the only guy who's willingly to actually do something on immigration," a Trump reporter told The Daily Beast. "Here in Arizona, people have been talking about it forever, but nobody's actually done anything until Trump."
And there is the ethos of the Trump movement. Despite the facts, their racism and illiteracy overrides their desire to know the truth....