- Will Trump supporters ever care to what he is doing?
- Do they care that he talks tough about the military, but has yet to visit troops fighting in a war zone?
- Do they care to see reproductive rights go away for women?
- Do they care that Trump's administration, according to DCReport, will try and make it harder for women in poverty to get access to birth control?
- Do they understand that we could be heading closer to The Handmaid's Tale, than a world where we are all equal?
- Do they care that Trump's EPA wants to cut rules that regulate mercury emissions, even though mercury can cause brain damage to children?
- Do they care that he wants to cut funding into renewable energies, even though we desperately need it?
- Do they care that the Department of Homeland Security is letting children sign away their rights at the border?
- Do they grasp that Trump's tariffs have cost more in tax payer money this last year, than has Obamacare?
- Do they grasp that Trump's latest tax cuts will mostly benefit the rich, once again?
- Do they grasp that his tax cuts mean that his foreign profits will be essentially tax free?
- If you answered no to these questions, you realize how delusional Trump supporters are.
- If you answered yes, may God have mercy on your soul, because you do not understand how manipulated you are, and how utterly fucked you are...