Tucker Carlson is always saying insane shit, and lately it's been about his fears of a white genocide. He promoted the conspiracy theory made up by white nationalists in South Africa that black South Africans are killing white farmers.
Tucker spreading a white nationalist conspiracy theory:
Tucker Carlson: We've got an exclusive investigation for you tonight. The president of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa has begun and you may have seen this in the press seizing land from his own citizens without compensation because they are the wrong skin color.
That is literally the definition of racism. Racism is what our elite say they dislike most. "Donald Trump is a racist" they say but they paid no attention to this at all. In fact Ramaphosa is one of Barack Obama's favorite leaders in the world. In a speech just a few weeks ago, Obama praised him, he praised the racist government of South Africa and Ramaphosa by name for quote, "inspiring hope throughout the country." Does our current bureaucratic elite agree with that? Apparently they do.
So that's a tragedy, you just heard that. Keep in mind our State Department right now supports race based land seizures. We hope that policy changes.
Christine Fair, a Georgetown professor sent a stupid tweet:

As stupid as the tweet was. She was talking about Brett Kavanaugh, Lindsey Graham, and all the other white men on the Senate Judiciary Committee who are human scum.
For Tucker however, he took her tweet to mean that she wanted all white people do die.

Tucker Carlson on Fair's tweet, noted by MediaMatters :
Former Bush campaign strategist and ABC News political analyst Matthew Dowd went further than that. He published an op-ed demanding that, quote, "white male Christians vacate their positions of power for other people." He's not doing that himself. But he did not, notably advocate for genocide, A Georgetown professor called Christine Fair did do that. She recently tweeted this: "Look at this course of entitled white men justifying a serial rapist's arrogated entitlement. All of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps. Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to respond? Yes."
Why Tucker Carlson could so easily misrepresent her tweet to mean all white people, because her tweet inadvertently was talking about people like Tucker Carlson. "Look at thus (misspell, happens to all of us on Twitter) chorus of entitled men justifying a serial rapist's arrogated entitlement."
While at The Atlantic Festival, Lindsey Graham said that he felt Kavanaugh had been treated poorly.
"I though (Ford) was handled respectfully. I though Kavanaugh was treated like crap," said Graham. His remark received boos from the crowd. "Yeah, well, boo yourself," Graham said to the booing members of the crowd.
Most people would explain this to others something like this: The entire time Lindsey Graham has been protecting Brett Kavanaugh in a really weird way, that makes it clear that Graham doesn't give a shit about sexual assault, and sexual violence. Those in the crowd booing are letting Graham know that they disagreed with his position.
Tucker Carlson decided to take these events, and discuss the only way Tucker Carlson can do it. Saying something that is completely insane.
While talking to fellow monster Lou Dobbs about the Lindsey Graham moment at The Atlantic Festival. Tucker Carlson said that the booing represents a revolution that is against the working class.

Click here, for the video version between the two, via Media Matters:
TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): What's so interesting is that, you see a lot of revolutions and you read about them, they're almost always waged on behalf of the working class. Have you ever see a revolution like this one waged against the working class?
LOU DOBBS (GUEST): You know, I haven't. I haven't even read such a revolution. And these people are not revolutionaries. They're far too orthodox. They're far too mediocre and their own imaginings. And frankly, they can't escape themselves and their base, crass and yes, vulgar obsessions. These are people completely consumed by grievance, by identity and group, to the point that they have lost any sense of individual responsibility, or individual rights. They're authoritarian to the point of being not Socialists, Communists. They want to be Marxist, they want to be Fascist, and by the way, their desires are coming true. What they are doing is ignoring truth, ignoring values, ignoring any sort of fidelity to decency, and what they have become is, frankly, unspeakably ugly, and awful, and threatening to the very republic.
Because when you think of the working class, and protecting the republic. You think of Lindsey Graham, and Brett Kavanaugh.