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The Twilight Zone For Dummies

Writer's picture: walterskuzeski walterskuzeski

“The Fake News hates me saying that they are the Enemy of the People only because they know it’s TRUE. I am providing a great service by explaining this to the American People. They purposely cause great division & distrust. They can also cause War! They are very dangerous & sick!” That’s a tweet by the President of the United States. This "great service" he's giving to us, sorry Trump, but I'll go ahead and think for myself. I know Trump, that you and your followers want a society where you can murder writers, but not fucking here. Not yet, at least. Probably not too far off, thanks to himself and his evil-acolytes.

There is a nuanced way to complain about the media (My blog about the Washington Post, for example, to pat myself on the back), but his way is just the rambling of a tyrant who wants all of the media to report things like Fox News does: State television. But that wasn’t his only insane tweet early Sunday morning. Simultaneously amazing, and not, around an hour later, Trump knuckle-dragged out another tweet. One that was even more insane than the first one:

“Fake News reporting, a complete fabrication, that I am concerned about the meeting my wonderful son, Donald, had in Trump Tower. This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!”

The first tweet would’ve been tweeted by Pol Pot. The second one, is like Richard Nixon personally handing over his illegal tape recordings to the FBI. Furthermore, way to throw your own son under the bus. Goddamn that's cold! And it’s going to be amazing to watch these people eat each other from staying out of prison.

Their stories of the meeting with the Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, has been all over the place, and changes as if they don’t think Mueller is taking notes, or that no one but they know how to use the internet. Rudy Guiliani went on CNN to say that collusion isn’t a crime, and the president is innocent, even though they met with a Russian lawyer connected to the Kremlin. “Nothing to see here. Just be my sheep.” And Trump has his sheep. Republican strategist Rick Wilson, and an anti-Trump guy (thank you Rick!!!), tweeted a picture of two old white guys wearing a shirt that reads; “I’d rather be a Russian than A Democrat.”

That about sums up our times, doesn’t it? An administration can lie-lie-lie, and then when they confess to collusion, their supporters say they’re fine with it. BUT COLIN KAEPRNICK AND ANY OTHER NFL PLAYER BETTER NOT KNEEL DURING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM! YOU CAN CONSPIRE WITH A FOREIGN ADVISARY, BUT YOU CAN’T KNEEL IN PROTEST TO POLICE VIOLENCE!!!!

I give you, the Twilight Zone....



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